Arc Flash Info
We recommend these trusted arc flash sites for additional information on arc flash labeling and identification. You'll find vinyl printers for arc flash warning labels, compatible with SKM, Etap, EasyPower, and more.
Arc Flash Hazard Prevention Through Labeling

Arc flash has received significant industry attention over the past decade. Before arc flash was well understood, it was believed that electrical shock was the primary cause of all injuries in an electrical accident. While electrical shock does cause burns, the majority of all hospital admissions due to electrical accident related injuries are from arc flash. Industry professionals estimate that at least 5 to 10 arc flash explosions occur every day in the U.S., resulting in serious injury or death.
OSHA, the NFPA and NIOSH standards organizations are concerned with issues such as circuit protection labeling, arc flash danger signage and electrocution warning signs. We offer information and links to supplies and equipment designed to help minimize electric hazard and arc flash hazard risks.